What to expect

Our gatherings

The congregation gathers on Sundays (the Lord's day) to meet God together and publicly worship Him with the aim of giving Him his due glory. We gather obediently, joyfully, and expectantly to enjoy His blessings and special promises made to us corporately. As the people of God, out gathering is centered on the Bible: reading, preaching, praying, singing, and seeing the Word. We believe God should be worshiped in all of life and in the way God has prescribed in His Word.

Sunday morning worship service – 9:30 am

Services include congregational singing (5-6 songs), scripture readings, prayers, the Lord's Supper, and Christ-centered preaching. Each Sunday, we provide a worship guides that will walk you through the various aspects of the service and relevant announcements.

Tea & coffee fellowship – 10:50-11:10 am

After the Sunday morning worship service, you are invited to a time of tea/coffee fellowship with the church family. This is an opportunity for you to meet the people and pastors of Grace. It is a great time to ask questions, share prayer requests, and receive more information about the good news of Jesus Christ and our church.

Sunday seminars and children's Sunday school – 11:10 am

After tea and coffee fellowship, we begin our Sunday school hour. We offer three classes for children (age dependent) and a class for adults.

Sunday evening prayer service – 5:30 pm

Our church family gathers for singing, prayer, and a short message from God's Word in the side chapel.

Common Questions

How long is the service?

Our main worship service typically lasts between 75 and 85 minutes.

What should I wear?

Dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable. Many folks dress casually, while others dress up a bit more formally.

Do you provide child care during the service?

Yes. We offer a nursery for children up to age three that is avaliable as soon as you arrive. We also have a mother's room in the back of the sanctuary for nursing moms to have privacy and still hear the service. Older children remain with their family during the first portion of the worship service: welcome, singing, Scripture reading, and prayers. Before the preaching begins, children ages four – nine may be dismissed to Grace Kids. Learn more about Grace Kids here.

What are the sermons like?

You can expect to be both encouraged and challenged by the preaching in the sermon. We preach through the Bible expositionally, often sequentially through a book. The pastor expounds on the meaning and message of the text, relates it to the Gospel, and applies it to our everyday lives. You can listen to some of the most recent sermon audio here.

What is the music like?

We sing a variety of songs, such as hymns and contemporary songs, that fix our gaze on God and the gospel. Our goal in corporate worship is to raise our voices together as a congregation in praise to God while encouraging each other.