
A disciple is a follower—one who is learning from another. That's what Jesus meant when he told His church to go and “make disciples of all nations.” He was calling us to be not just believers in Him, but also lifelong followers of Him. That's what we're striving to be at Grace Bible Church. We want to learn from Jesus, follow Him, and therefore become more like Him.

Community Groups

One of the main ways we seek to encourage one another in our discipleship to Jesus is by meeting together in Community Groups. Every week, small groups of Grace Bible members meet together in different places for a time of prayer, fellowship, and good conversations about how the prior Sunday's sermon or a current book study applies to our lives in particular ways. Second only to our Sunday morning and Sunday evening services, community groups are the most important way we fellowship together and encourage one other as Christians.

Summer Bible Study

When community groups are out for the summer, members of Grace continue to meet together for fellowship and a study through a book of the Bible. By treating the book as a whole and establishing the primary theme(s) of the book from the very beginning, the purpose of this summer Bible study isn't just to learn and personally apply Scriptural truth–though that is definitely one of its purposes–but also to encourage a more big-picture approach to reading and studying the Bible, as well as using that approach to show how everything in the Bible (and in that specific book of the Bible) fits together.

Women's Bible Study

All throughout the year, the women of Grace gather to study the Bible together. These studies will typically work through a book of the Bible (or a large portion of one) but will also sometimes dive into books designed to help Christians better disciple one another through the ups and downs of life.

Men's Group

Church members (those who have been accepted into membership at GBC) can currently take part in a program called PACE, meeting together every other Wednesday night to fellowship in small groups.

Sunday Seminars

Following the Sunday morning fellowship time, classes are provided to help Christians learn the Bible and how to apply its teachings to our lives. Choose a seminar that dives into a book or doctrine of the Bible or one that targets areas of Christian living. For more information on these various groups, such as current topics and time and location of meetings, check out our Discipleship Groups page.

1-1 Discipleship

We want to be a church where our members do not simply show up on Sunday mornings and disappear for a week. Rather, we want to be passionate and deliberate about our discipleship to Jesus, and we believe that is accomplished through Christians living life together. On any given day, all over the greater Providence area, members of Grace Bible can be found meeting together over lunch or coffee or a walk through the park—praying, talking, reading, and encouraging one another in the faith. Whether you are a working professional, college or seminary student, or a stay-at-home mom, our hope is that you will build deep and edifying relationships with other Christians at Grace Bible.


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